
Head office
8-2, Uchikanda, 2-Chome Chiyodaku, Tokyo 101-0047 Japan
Tel : +81-3-3256-1936, Fax : +81-3-3256-1939
Okegawa plant
1-13, Akabori, Okegawa City, Saitama, 363-0002, Japan
Tel : +81-48-728-7861, Fax : +81-48-728-7867

Comming Soon

Thank you for visiting our website.
We, Daido Chemical Industry, contribute to society through our color science.
Our company was founded in 1922 and we have been getting customer satisfaction
for a long-long time.
Our various color products are used for familiar printing industry and cutting-edge technology
same as smart phone display.
Thank you for visiting our website.
We, Daido Chemical Industry, contribute to society through our color science.
Our company was founded in 1922 and we have been getting customer satisfaction for a long-long time.
Our various color products are used for familiar printing industry and cutting-edge technology same as smart phone display.

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